5 easy ways to help your resolutions stick

With the new year fast approaching, you’re probably starting to think about resolutions. Are you going to stick to them, or forget by the end of week two? Here are some techniques to help you keep up with your resolutions.

Your tomorrow – It is today

It’s November. The time of year when we remember the dead from the various wars and battles, primarily since the turn of the 20th century. The phrase which hits me the hardest every single year is “We gave our today, for your tomorrow”. Take a breath, take a moment to stop and think. Thousands of…… Continue reading Your tomorrow – It is today

Oscars 2022 – what happened?

So what really happened at the 94th Oscars awards ceremony put on by the Academy for Motion Picture Arts and Sciences in 2022? As usual, a number of people hosted the event giving awards for best actor, best supporting actor, best film, best director, best special effects… But one specific event stands out and has…… Continue reading Oscars 2022 – what happened?

History, and the future – Part One

Do your days drag? Do you wonder how the future could possibly improve? Part One shares some context and perspective about the size of history, both human and universal. One bad day isn’t going to change your world.

Advent and an annual health check

I don’t know about you, but I’ve been struggling a bit recently. So as we approach the advent period, it’s time for a health check with a particular focus on social media and what really matters to you. What’s YOUR Christmas tradition?

Back in a jiffy! And other lies we tell at bars

If you’re at the bar and you tell your drinking companions you’re going to the loo and you’ll be “back in a jiffy”, do you really mean it? Or when you foolishly tell someone you drank a buttload of beer, is it true? Lets find out together