About Jo

Hey look, it’s me!

This is the place where Jo talks about themself so… Here I am, this is me, myself and I. As you already know, my name is Jo and you’re on my website. I’m an acoustic consultant in the UK by profession but have also worked for Bang & Olufsen and Harman International in Denmark.

My interests are wide ranging and often entirely independent of what can be done in my professional life. This covers topics ranging through mathematics, physics, equality, human rights, engineering, music, art… I’ve found that something can be learned from every scenario, so I’m always trying to learn.

I primarily play bass guitar, but also sing bass, play double bass (noticing a theme here?) and play a little bit of piano. I even own quite a collection of rubik’s type cubes and other shapes that you’ve probably never seen or heard of before! Because you’re here, you might have realised I also like to write and research things. After all, the best way to grow is to share.

I will be taking my time to write about whatever is interesting me at the time, but I’m completely open to any suggestions or requests for posts because I love to learn. I spend a lot of my time reading, writing and drawing, and playing music whenever I have a quiet house and am unlikely to annoy the neighbours.