Keep those Blue Monday blues at bay

This year, 2023, Blue Monday falls on January 16th and is the day described by Sky Travel in the UK as “the most depressing day of the year”. This is due to a variety of factors coming together, including weather, darkness, Mondays generally, timing after Christmas, giving up things as part of new years resolutions… It’s a list that could grow forever, so lets cut it off there and see how to keep happy on Blue Monday 2023.

Blue Monday blues? Blue sky, blue sea and a beautiful beach would help
A view like this would be a great start for helping most people

Blue Weather?

Blue Monday is a northern hemisphere phenomenon, specifically British, but applicable generally throughout the hemisphere. Typically, the weather in the UK around this time of year is quite dark – roughly 8 hours from dawn until dusk leaving plenty of time for darkness. Personally, I quite like the dark because it means that I don’t have to see things a long way away which might be visually noisy and distracting. Millennia of evolution on the other hand tell me that darkness is bad for seeing where any potential threats may be coming from.

Winter is also a time when “bad weather” is frequent. Rain, wind, thunderstorms, fog… In short, these conditions are would not be considered conducive to sunbathing. Everyone I know loves thunderstorms, but always suggests being indoors with a hot drink and staying cosy while the storm rages. As lovely as this sounds however, it clashes violently with another part of the human psyche which is not frequently considered outside of 16th and 17th century sailors – cabin fever.

Cabin fever on a ship is a real problem. Blue Monday, depression and "the blues" are very real
Welcome to your home for the next 4 months – feeling blue yet?

When the weather is inclement there is a strong desire to stay indoors where it’s warm and safe. Cabin fever then strikes and results in uneasiness internally, even if we don’t recognise it for what it is. So for that reason, we need to take advantage of the better weather whenever it occurs. Additionally, we need to invest in warm and / or waterproof clothes – because there is great joy to be found in walking in heavy rain that can’t be found when using an umbrella.

Walking in the rain with your head held high, not hiding from it, is one of the most liberating feelings.

Enjoy the rain
Embrace the rain, enjoy it

Blue this Monday?

Maybe last week was a tough one. Did you have a long few days on site, or perhaps a lot of big deadlines coming up at once, maybe just a lot of meetings. Whatever variation on a theme, you made it to the weekend and got to relax and have some time to yourself, to spend however you wish.

But here we are again, already. It’s Monday. It’s time to start over, again. ALREADY? Really? How did it become Monday so quickly again? From the start of the project, it always appears big. You never want to walk a thousand miles, but that first step puts you a step closer. Mondays have to happen, they’re not optional. After all, it’s a long way to Happy Friday when it’s only a Monday.

Friday may be a long way from Monday, but it’s coming

Christmas was ages ago

By mid-January, Christmas feels a very long time ago. Easter is also a long four months away. However much you like to plan, it’s going to take a while to get there.

Time gets away between Christmas and Easter, Blue Monday is in the middle
Time is getting away from me too

How are we going to find our way between Christmas and Easter after all? I think you need to set smaller goals and smaller targets. A little like trying to reach Friday, let’s not aim all the way to Easter, lets just aim for the end of the month. Go out, grab yourself a takeaway or a restaurant meal. Take yourself or your partner on a date, and enjoy the progress you’re making.

How are your resolutions going?

It’s been a few weeks since the new year, so it’s not unreasonable to assume that resolutions are slipping. In years gone by, my resolutions have failed rather rapidly, which is never great when we reach Blue Monday. Just another failure to add to the list. I would tell you it’s not a failure though, just another step to success. Here’s a blog I wrote a few weeks ago, specifically to help you stick to your resolutions this year.

So far, it’s working great for me so I hope you’ll take a look and find that it helps you too. Just remember, the worst thing that can happen if you failed to stick to your resolutions is that you start again. You can always restart and refresh your efforts to stick to those resolutions. Now is a perfect time to remind yourself how great you can be, not a time to kick yourself for potential failures or struggles.

Your resolutions, Blue Monday is a great time to refresh your attempts to chase them

Blue Monday blues… Aren’t?

Blue Monday doesn’t have to be blue. It could be a jealous green if you’re struggling with resolutions and want to do better. Maybe you’re a bright, happy yellow, enjoying life just as it is and not struggling at all. Pick a colour, pick an emotion and realise that it’s just another day. You can make of it whatever you want. So go, don’t dwell on your failures.

Get out there, chase your dreams and make Blue Monday 2023 a step towards your goals, because you’re doing great. You CAN do this.

Thoughts? Let me know!