Your tomorrow – It is today

It’s November. The time of year when we remember the dead from the various wars and battles, primarily since the turn of the 20th century. The phrase which hits me the hardest every single year is “We gave our today, for your tomorrow”.

Take a breath, take a moment to stop and think. Thousands of men and women, from Britain, America, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, France, India, Nepal… People fought and died for their family and friends, for YOU. For YOUR right to get up in the morning and not wonder if you will be called to war. You are experiencing today, the day that they gave. This is the tomorrow that you have been gifted by their sacrifice.

It is well that war is so terrible, otherwise we should grow too fond of it.
Robert E. Lee – 13 December 1862

It always terrifies me personally to imagine being conscripted, being thrust into the unimaginable horrors of the first world war for example. The beaches of Normandy on D-Day, on the landing craft knowing that your enemy is in a bunker zeroing in on your boat and just waiting for the front to drop. BEING the one in the bunker and trying not to think about what you’re doing and why. I personally cannot fathom the experience and wish never to be subject to it. Whenever I try to think about it, or imagine it, particularly at this time of year, I will become upset and tearful.

I, for one, am forever grateful that it is not something I am ever likely to experience because of the men and women of history that gave their today for my tomorrow. I know no other or better way to repay the sacrifice of all those who have died in war than to try to live a good life and have a good impact on the world.

Thoughts? Let me know!